Our journey today took us east on I-90 around Spokane, Wa. and then into the state of Idaho where we picked up US95 south. We were along the border of Washington and then Oregon when we stopped in White Bird, Idaho. We were in rural country with fields of dark green grain crops and bright yellow canola. Hills and mountains were pine tree covered in the northern areas and then just appeared to be grass and some shrub coverage further south. US95 is indeed a very scenic route- we had debated about traveling this route and at the campground in Wilbur the campground owner said that it was a good road. There are 2 areas of concern that being descending to Lewiston and then the 7-mile section south of Grangeville that descends 3000 to the Salmon River Canyon. White Bird, our campground stop for the night is just a little south of this descent.
The Nez Perce National Historical Park Visitor’s Center was along the way in Spalding. After we had stopped to eat lunch in the motorhome in a gravel parking lot we came to this Center. It would have been a much nicer place to have eaten our lunch but we didn’t know about it until we came to it. We did stop and go in the Center. This Park is different from most other parks in that there are sites in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. This Center in Spalding is the main one.
When we got to the small town of White Bird the GPS messed us up by sending us in the opposite direction from the campground. A motorhome on narrow country roads with no place to turn around is a problem. Fortunately, the road did not have any traffic so we stopped, unhooked the Jeep and were going to turn around in a farm driveway. A cowboy(he had a cowboy hat and was riding a horse) saw our dilemma and suggested that a little further up the road we would be able to turn around easier. So we got turned and then finally found the campground. We were hoping to take a jet boat up Hell’s Canyon tomorrow but there needs to be at least 6 people and so far no one has signed up. e will be here for 2 nights only so I guess there will not be a boat trip.