After a night of rain showers we awoke this morning to cloudy skies but no rain as we prepared to leave Florida heading for home. As we traveled north on I-75, east on US 301 to I-10 and then picking up I-95 we had intermittent showers of rain. The traffic on I-95 was heavy but moved well until we crossed into the state of South Carolina where we had slow moving, stop and go traffic for about 20 miles. We did stop to eat lunch in the Welcome Center as we entered Georgia. We stopped for the night in Yemassee, S,C. after 306 miles. We are in another Encore park, The Oaks at Point South and what a muddy, muddy mess. Equity Life Styles is the company that owns Encore Parks and Thousand Trails membership parks. This trip has shown us that this company does nothing for these campgrounds. We encountered muddy conditions in Wildwood, Wauchula and now here. If the mud wasn’t here the numerous pot holes in the roadways would still be present. The membership, which has a yearly fee, at Thousand Trail campgrounds allows us to camp free and we are given a discount at the Encore parks. With the discount this park is costing us $25.00 plus some change- $4.00 is added for resort fee- to stay in a muddy mess!! We look forward to being able to opt out of this organization. The one positive feature at this campground was on Friday evenings Ray’s Barbecue brings dinners to the campground. We had the pulled pork with baked beans and potato salad – very good for $7.00 a plate.
5 hours ago