Continuing on I-80 east we left Geneseo, Illinois at 8:15am. We had bright sunshine this morning not the heavy clouds we had been seeing the past several days. We continued to see many fields flooded from the rains of the past few days. And as we traveled east we began to see heavy clouds but did not have any rain. We skirted around the southern edge of Chicago and then we were in Gary, Indiana vicinity. The traffic is always heavy in this Chicago/Gary area but today it was moving well. Traveling through Indiana we again changed time zones from Central to Eastern, the last time zone change. I-80 is a turnpike through Indiana and it was a terrible road as far as being in need of repairs. It is obvious that the toll is not being put back into the road repairs. Because of our step breaking yesterday we decided to stop in Elkhart to check out at some RV supply stores for the part to repair the step. They had electric step parts but not for our step brand. So we continued eastward into Ohio (another terrible turnpike road) but we did not have to go very far until we got off the turnpike and after getting fuel then drove to Harrison Lake State Park, 406 miles. Tom’s sister, Julie and husband, Tim, and their family live real close to the Park. Harrison Lake State Park is a really pretty camping area with nice sites with electric (50amp) only. After setting up for the night I made a dish of potato salad and then we went to Julie and Tim’s for dinner. Tom’s brother, Paul, and wife, Robin, and their family were also their along with a neighbor lady, Louise, that we all are quite fond of. We had an enjoyable evening eating and catching up on the family news.