This past Thursday (10/25) we went to Frederick, Md. for the Maryland Good Sam Samboree. Sandy, a tropical storm/hurricane was moving slowly toward the east coast. We had a nice time at the Samboree enjoying time with camping friends. Our Traveling Americans group had 6 units represented. Saturday evening we were hearing that Sandy was getting closer to the east coast. Todd had called us on Friday that he was in search of a generator and we searched in the Frederick area without any luck- in fact we were told that we would need to go west of Ohio to find one. The closing Samboree ceremony was held on Saturday night so we were able to get under way earler than usual on Sunday morning. We had anticipated rain on Sunday morning but luckily it was only cloudy as we tore down and got home. Tom had stopped on the way home to fill the motorhome with fuel as this would be our home if the electric in the house was disrupted since we have a generator in the motorhome. We decided to go down to Virginia to see Todd and the grandchildren (Beth had gone to Salem, Mass. for a weekend girls outing with her mom, aunt and cousin) since this week our youngest grandchild, Gabi, would be celebrating her first birthday. We hads a nice visit even took Parker (3) and Gabi for a walk around the neighborhood without any rain. Just as we were leaving there it started to sprinkle rain and then just a little before Potomac Mills we were into rain showers that continued all the way home. At home it was raining lightly but there was no winds.
Today, Monday, we awoke to steady rain but as yet no winds. Government offices and schools are closed. The television morning news had reports of grocery stores being bare due to people stocking up on food. In Baltimore the news showed a line at a liquor store. The news reports along the coastal areas are showing high tides and winds but at 8am the storm was reported as being 300 miles off the coast. Coastal areas are bein evacuated- Ocean City has a mandatory evacuation in effect. We needed milk so we went out to our local grocery store and found it to be well stocked with food- living in a smaller community does have its benefits. We have filled our bathtub with water to flush toilets if need be and purchased a case of 6 gallons of water for drinking. At this point we are as prepared as we will be for when the storm actually hits late tonight or early tomorrow morning.