Yesterday, Monday, we were back into Bay 47 at 7am with Jonathan, the tech. Our steps would not retract when we left on Friday. Another tech had stopped by to talk to Tom at the close of the work and when we started up to back out the steps were not working. Jonathan had left for the day so we just had to carefully drive to our site and wait for this morning. The sensor that causes the steps to operate had been moved with the inside step repair so it was just a matter of readjusting that sensor's location. The front slide on the passenger side was in need of being adjusted as a roller was out of place. And then Tom has been bothered with a noise in the front as he drives so we took a ride with Jonathan. He tightened up some screws in the dash hoping that was the problem at the end of the work day. Tom and I as we left the bay for the evening took the motorhome for a drive and the noise was still there. When we returned to our campsite and extended the slides out, the front slide on the passenger side that had been adjusted on this day had a piece of molding to pop off.
This morning again at 7am we were back in Bay 47 with Jonathan and the first order of business was the molding that came off yesterday. So with the help of a woodwork/cabinet tech it was reattached. The front end noise was then attended to beginning with another road test. During the ride Jonathan asked if we had any tape which he used to cover up some weep hole vents on the window which solved the problem. Back in the shop Jonathan removed the tape and inserted material to take care of the problem. We were finished in Bay 47 but we have some specialized bays we need to go to when we are scheduled.
Since we were back in our campsite about 11am we knew we would not be pulled into another bay before lunchtime. So we went out for out lunch at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store. In the rear of the store there is a small cafeteria line with a room for dining. Tom had pork chops, greens and baked sweet potato and I had an Italian seasoned chicken breast with the same sides as Tom- each dinner was $4.69 (total bill was $14.41 with drinks) and the food was pretty good. Returning back to the campground we were in a waiting period so we just chilled out. About 2pm the glass man came by and asked if we could move over to his bay to have our windshield resealed.
We were in this bay until 3:15pm and returned to our campsite with the windshield repair done. Now we wait to hear from the mechanical tech, the techs that will be dealing with a floor problem on a side and a tech to deal with the propane tank sensor that is not measuring. It doesn't look like we will be moving as early if at all tomorrow.