This morning we drove out on Vulture's Mine Road and took a dirt road to a parking area where we left the Jeep. With walking poles in hand, we set out on a trail that went back to where we could see Dana's Arch above us on a ridge of volcanic rock.
The hike was rated moderate. We walked along hillsides that were covered with saquaro cacti.
Some areas along the trail had colonies of teddy bear cholla, a fuzzy looking plant with nasty needles.
We saw evidence of wildlife but the only animals seen were a couple small lizards and many birds. It was a pretty hike but we had to watch our steps on the loose stones as we walked up and down hills.
The hike was a little more than 1 1/2 miles and it did took us about an hour and half to complete.
Afterward we went into Wickenburg and had lunch at a Mexican restaurant. A stop at CVS to pick up a few items before returning to North Ranch completed the afternoon.
6 hours ago