It was another day when no work was performed on the motohome. We are scheduled to have the front end worked on tomorrow morning at Bay Diesel here in Red Bay. If that does not fix the wondering problem, I am not certain what our next step will be. We still have to have a part replaced in the DEF system also but don't know when and who will do that repair.
Tiffin has a ways to go to live up to their advertising of good customer service. There does not seem to be a single point of contact that can keep you informed of what is or is not happening with your motorhome. The best way to find something out is to ask questions of techs that have worked on your motorhome at a previous service bay. In talking with other owners that are here, you almost have to stay with your motorhome and babysit it to be certain the repairs are done correctly. From our observations, the service techs have one speed, slooow.
I know a lot of people have talked with the owner, Bob Tiffin. I would hope that the conversation was about real problems and concerns and that Bob in turn would meet with his managers to effect changes to improve things.
Our stay here in Red Bay has lasted too long as we did not buy this motorhome to set in the Tiffin Service lot.
6 hours ago