On Sunday, the 9th, we attended church services at the canmpground. This campground has 2 services at the same time on Sundays. One is a traditional service and the other was described as being more "upbeat". We attended the "upbeat" service which was attended by well over a hundred people. There was lots of music with guitars and other stringed instruments. The speaker, not sure if he was a minister, had a nice sermon. After church we drove out for a Sunday newspaper and then returned to the motorhome for a day of watching the football playoffs and a long walk in between games.
Monday we went to Disney's Animal Kingdom park for the day. The crowds have lessened to the point that the parks are now enjoyable. In the afternoon we had rain showers but we were able to be inside much of the time at shows. A really nice day.
Today, Tuesday the 11th, was a quiet day at the campground aside from a run to the drugstore and grocery store. We were expecting a package from Todd that contained some medications for me plus our mail that Todd and Beth had received by this time. We had sent a request for my medicine to be sent to an address down here by the mail order pharmacy which they apparently ignored. So the meds were sent to our home address and then forwarded to Todd. So Todd FedEx'ed the meds down to us and according to the tracking they were to be delivered today and at 4:30pm the delivery was made. I had tried to get these meds filled before leaving home but they couldn't be filled until after we left. I'm still not overly impressed with these mailorder pharmacies but we have no other options for most things unless we pay about 3 times as much.
I am able to get some blood testing supplies at a local drugstore which I use CVS at home. Today I went to a CVS in Clermont and was able to get the supplies in about 10 minutes. Apparently CVS has a network that can access the information needed as there was not a need to call the home CVS to get the prescription or was I asked for insurance information.
The weather has been pretty nice with temperatures in the 60's and 70's but that is about to change. A cold front is moving down and tomorrow it is to be in the 50's but that is still better than the snowy, cold that is happening at home.