The weather reports for the last several days have been saying we might get a little bit of snow this weekend. Yesterday the reports changed to us getting a 6 to 8 inch snow fall. Overnight the reports changed to between 10 to 18 inches with winds up to 35 mph, nice. Its looking more and more like the BIG snow storm is on the way.
I moved the snow blower out of the storage shed, gassed it up, started it and parked it under the deck by the basement door so I won't have to tromp through the snow to get to it Saturday morning. I guess I know how my day is going to be spent.
We have three different Christmas activities scheduled for Saturday. One has already been cancelled and the other two probably will be cancelled as well.
This afternoon Leah and I went to see the movie "The Blind Side." It had a very good story line and was a very enjoyable movie. We recommend it to everyone.