Well Monday morning we backed the motorhome out of the driveway, hooked up the car and started our journey to Vermont and the Newmar Int. Rally. We are following I-81 towards Scranton, Pa and will connect up to I-84 East. Along the way, we saw a number of the Nextel Cup Team vehicles heading for their homebases from racing in New Hampshire. The next stop will be in Dover, Delware for the racers.
We also seen the trucks of Brad Pasley, a country singer for you that don't know, as they were heading for the next gig.
We also saw a number of the top end motorhomes that belong to the NASCAR drivers.
The drivers, for the most part, flew home Sunday evening and its up to the crews to get everything either back to the homebase or to the next track.
We are staying several days in Sturbridge, Mass and will be heading for Moody Beach, Me. While there we will make the manatory stop at L.L. Bean.
The Newmar Rally is being held later in the year so we can have a shot at seeing the fall colors. Here's hoping it works out for us. We are seeing signs already of leaves changing.