Well, today is Christmas day. With all that has been going on in the past several months, it has been hard to get into the Christmas Spirit. We have done all of the normal things like decorate, put up a tree, purchase presents, go to Christmas parties and go to Christmas Eve services.
Last Friday Leah's mother was moved into an assisted living facility. On Sunday we went to Leah's brother's house for a family Christmas party. Leah and I took mom along with us and returned her back Sunday evening.
Monday morning Leah got a phone call that her mother had fallen during the night and injured herself. Her mother told them at the assisted living facility that she didn't want to go to the hospital. By early morning her leg was hurting her to the point where she thought that she should go the the hospital and have things checked out. At this point we received a phone call telling us what happened and that mom was going to be taken to the hospital.
In the emergency room it was determined that mom had a broken hip and would need surgery to repair it. Surgery was scheduled for 8:30 am on 12/24/08. We got to see mom at about 3:00 pm and she looked as good as a 91 year old woman can look after surgery. There will be a rehab period after mom gets out of the hospital. We are hoping that we can get her in at Lorian which is here in town.
Leah's surgery day of December 30th is getting closer and closer. Leah has a leaking mitral valve and must have it repaired or replaced. We hope that thing goes well with her surgery.
Oh, and did I mention that Tom's birthday is on Monday.